So why "SUBVERSIVE ELEPHANT" you ask? Some time after my ex-husband left I was telling my Mother that he regarded me as a bad influence on our children. In perhaps THE most revealing Freudian slip of my life I declared, "He thinks I'm a subversive elephant"

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Heading North

Not actually NORTH, but considerably norther than here on the southernmost coast of Engerland. We are off to Tamworth for the New Year to see the Son and Heir (well, Son, anyway). I MAY stay awake to see the New Year in, but if I am as tired as I have been these last few days I may well be snoring. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for an uneventful journey, and I'll be back on Wednesday, hopefully with some pictures. . .

. . . meanwhile a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day - how did that happen?

How did so much time pass by without me noticing that I hadn't written anything here?? It isn't as though nothing has happened, and it isn't that I haven't spent FAR TOO MUCH time in front of my PC.
I am going to have to mend my ways though. Apart from anything else, I put my blog address on my Christmas letter this year, so people might actually be dropping by to see if there is any news - MAYBE!
It's been a quiet Christmas. We dropped in to Beth and Dom on Christmas Eve for hot chocolate and mince pies, and on Amanda and family on Christmas afternoon. Apart from that we have been on our own, peaceful and relaxing! I didn't decorate the house, didn't cook a Christmas meal, and we have just chilled out and done our own thing for once.
Gifts have also been low-key, except for my lovely TROLL BEAD bracelet. These are fast becoming THE must have non-craft item in a scrapbookers life, and I feel very lucky to have started a collection of these lush beads. They aren't cheap, but they are just SOOO delicious.
Alan and I both have books and books and books to read. I'm stuck into Terry Pratchett again, re-reading "the Hogfather", which I didn't see on the box as we don't have that channel. I've heard varying reports of it, but would love to know if any died-in-the-wool Discworld fan has an opinion.
Off to the dentist tomorrow. A lump of tooth fell out at 8pm on 23rd - just when it would be the longest time before the dentist was open again. So far not painful enough to disturb him, but he won't be surprised to see me - I seem to do this most years!!