So why "SUBVERSIVE ELEPHANT" you ask? Some time after my ex-husband left I was telling my Mother that he regarded me as a bad influence on our children. In perhaps THE most revealing Freudian slip of my life I declared, "He thinks I'm a subversive elephant"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Just a few doodles. . .

Doodling has become something of an obsession in the World of Scrap recently. Kirsty Wiseman issued a challenge to us to scrap ourselves, with doodles! The response was overwhelming, and the doodling was FAB. Since then it has got everywhere. Advertisements, clothes, magazines. have a look and you'll see the "flowers and doodles" theme wherever you go. I did this page for Kirsty's challenge. Bit of a cheat really, as the centres of the flowers LOOK hand-drawn, but are actually cut out of black and white patterned paper.

Recently Elsie Flanigan posted a full page of doodles she did on a recent flight, my DD (Dear Daughter) Beth pinched Elsie's idea and ran with it. Now I've had a play. This is MUCH more structured that the "done in 2 hours" one on Elsie's blog, but I had such fun with it. Anyone spot my trademark Nelliephant??

Oh, and it is a VERY late submission for the WISH dare on "Everyone is Speshal" an inspirational site with some of the UK's bestest talent on it

On another note I have FINALLY got an appointment date for my next CT scan. Until now the paperwork has always arrived almost as soon as I have had the previous consultant's appointment - except for the occasion when they made the booking, but didn't tell me when it was. The psychic school of healthcare! Anyway, no paperwork this time, so I rang them, only to be told they'd let me know "nearer the time" Given that they need 10-14 days to process the results 3rd August is getting quite near. Panic over, I go NEXT Thursday. My stomach is already churning at the thought. The scan itself isn't a problem. The machine is like a giant sqare Polo mint with a hole in the middle and the couch goes back and forward through the hole. The middle bit looks and sounds a bit like a huge washing machine, revolving around you. It isn't claustrophobic, and it isn't hot (only because the COMPUTERS have to be kept cool, the sick people can freeze to death!!) I don't even have any problem with the iodine injection they give you, though I know some people get a hot flush. It's the BARIUM!! Oh YUK. I get a litre of this white gloppy stuff an hour before the scan and I have to sip it slowly over the hour. It is usually cold, white, tasteless and JUST AWFUL. Every time I think "It won't be THAT bad" I take ONE sip and it is. It makes me feel so queasy I get anxious about lying in the machine. Last time i was there the lady next to me got a half-litre to drink. I just said "I'm sicker than you, then!" Stuff can also have a very unfortunate effect on the internal workings (or NOT workings) of Jan, but I'm not sure you want to know that.

AnywaY, I'll get the results at the beginning of August. Last lot threw me a bit, because we had got used to the "stable - no change" verdict and the "a bit worse, but we can't tell how fast it's getting worse til the NEXT scan" was a bit scary. This IS the next scan, so we will find out how fast things are deteriorating. I still don't have any appreciable symptoms, so I'm not writing my will yet. . .


Anonymous said...

Btw, when youre making your will.....

Anonymous said...

Yay, I found Nelliphant! Bottom leeft, above flower, inside a circle.

Beth said...

It is a good LO

Linda said...

((HUGS)) Jan, hope the CT scan goes OK

Sue Jones said...

Babe wish i could come with you :(

Your wish LO was amazing i really Love it.

Mj said...

you've been tagged copy and paste questions from my blog if you wanna play !!!