So why "SUBVERSIVE ELEPHANT" you ask? Some time after my ex-husband left I was telling my Mother that he regarded me as a bad influence on our children. In perhaps THE most revealing Freudian slip of my life I declared, "He thinks I'm a subversive elephant"

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New look

Beth came up yesterday and swapped me over to the new blogger set-up. It wasn't til she finished that she told me she didn't know how to get rid of the double title effect, so I'm stuck with it until I find out!

I've already had a complaint about the grey background, but hey, what colour do you think elephants are? Even subversive ones! It may change.

As more and more people are starting blogs it's becoming a thing to use blog-prompts. Just an idea to get you started on something. Beth has used one today which invites you to look at your life in terms of a patchwork quilt. What sort of quilt would it be, and what would some of the patches contain? This started me thinking of actually doing a layout on this theme, but with 60 years to cover I think it may be a bit ambitious to fit it in even a double page. I'm pretty certain it would have to be a crazy quilt - no overall pattern, colour or texture, but one or two strong themes! I'll have to think about this!!

Meanwhile I am nearly at the end of the CAT Circle journal I have been doing. Only half-a dozen of us, but I have really enjoyed it. One more page to do, then I'll scan my book and show you the pikkies.

Meanwhile here is one of Alan's pictures of the squirrels on the Isle of Wight. he thought they'd be shy and elusive. In the event one of them came and sat on his knee!!


jakey said...

well, he does look very cute and I like him coz he's red - but I have been under siege from these blighters for years - and they are a menace in my garden!

Do you think the Isle of Wight has room for a few more?

jk x

Caz said...

Jen check out the banner link on Clares blog, she explains how to get rid of the double title!