So why "SUBVERSIVE ELEPHANT" you ask? Some time after my ex-husband left I was telling my Mother that he regarded me as a bad influence on our children. In perhaps THE most revealing Freudian slip of my life I declared, "He thinks I'm a subversive elephant"

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Emily's Art Journal Journey 2007

I've been doing this since the beginning, but not as consistently as I might. With a bit of a push, I am now up to date, so here are the first eleven weeks!! If you know ANYTHING about me, you know how I love to talk, so it won't surprise you that every card has scads of writing on the back of it - emphasis on the "JOURNAL" bit - specially as my artwork ain't the best in the world!! Here you go, then.

Week One

I am so proud of my Family
I am proud of the way they have coped with tragedy - the loss of their father, the death of their sister and now my illness. Three remarkable children, and a husband in a million
The writing here is a bit wobbly coz I wrote it backwards on the transparency overlay!

Week two
What is powerful to you?
One of the most pwerful things on earth - the human mind. Powerful in imagination, in invention, in ingenuity. If you can harness yours, you'll be invincible!

Week Three
I am - alive!
In June 2004 I was diagnosed with metastatic renal cell carcinoma - kidney cancer - which had spread to my lungs. The realistic expectation was about 18 months to live. I am heading for three years with no appreciable symptoms so far. THAT'S LUCKY!

Week Four

A Symbol I Love

My Subversive Elephant!
I spent several YEARS trying to turn "JAN" into an elephant. At long last I had a brainwave, tried my initials, and the Subversive Elephant was born,

Week Five
Apart from BUS TICKETS, my most frequently aquired piece of ephemera would be receipts from bookshops, WHAT a surprise!!

Week Six
Love Love Love
We lost Giz this week. Nearly 18 years, and 17 on from losing Abigail. There's a small black furry hole in our hearts nothing will fill. I hope he and Abi are together at last. Missing the loudest PURR in the world.

Week Seven
On my 40th birthday I decided that I would NEVER have uncomfy shoes again. 20 years spent in flat shoes and trousers, and I'm still happy with my decision. This year I have discovered CROCS, so I now have comfy RED shoes

Week Eight
I Miss -
My lovely mother and my darling daughter.
Mother died in 2000, Abi in 1990. One calm, quiet and hard-working - one loud, fiesty and dynamic, but both strong, both well-loved, and both much missed

Week Nine
Inspiration Found
I've always liked KLIMT paintings and more recently I've found the work of the Austrian Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Look at his wonderful buildings and enjoy!

Week Ten
Note to self
Since I was diagnosed with cancer in 2004 I have tended to ignore my mortality. I am becoming aware that my time is not to be WASTED!

Week Eleven
My initial
I enjoyed my calligraphy classes and I sometimes wish I had persisted with them. Apart from anything else I might have improved my handwriting!!


Beth said...

Looking really good

Linda said...

Jan they are fab! What a great little challenge this is!

Marjolein said...

Wow, great cards! Nice to see all 11 in a row like this!!

Dotchi Anni said...

So cool! I have been browsing your blog and you are an inspiration. I am going to make my own memory jar. What a great idea! You have such lovely artwork!

cheri said...

Love all your cards! Makes me wnat to go and line all of mine up. You are very expressive. We are cat lovers at our house too!Thanks!

Marjolein said...

Yes it's cold in Canada, was my first winter here, and -30 was....well....... cold:-) Where did you live in Canada?? Oh mistake, in BC! I live in Ontario!! I'll be back again!!

GlitteryKatie said...

Fab work Jan!!!

valerie said...

your cards are stunning love the i'm alive one

Paula J Atkinson said...

what a fabulous collection of cards you have. They are all so great!

Stampin Owl said...

Jan , I love your elephant initials! Brilliant.